On 1st January 2021, changes to e-commerce legislation in the UK came into effect. Following on from these, on 1st July 2021, the EU will change the VAT-legislation on e-commerce, bringing in a new set of rules, with different implications for distance sellers acting from within or outside of the EU. If your business is engaged in e-commerce, it is likely that it will be affected. HLB International hosted a global webinar held on 18th May. This session counted with a panel of tax experts from HLB member firms in Spain, Germany, UK, Italy and Netherlands that highlighted the main changes and what they mean from a business and a client perspective.
Ludmila Frangu, Bové Montero y Asociados (HLB Spain)
Karin Korte, HLB Germany
Maria McConnell, HLB UK
Gianluca Panizza, HLB Italy
Pieter Tielemans, HLB Netherlands