Taxation for start-ups and entrepreneurs
On June 17, Bové Montero y Asociados organized a webinar on Taxation for start-ups and entrepreneurs together with the UPC Innovation Ecosystem. Throughout these last years, the business network of our country has been enriched by the irruption of entrepreneurs with great ideas and new projects with a strong technological or scientific component. In this context, it is important, from the very beginning and in view of an exponential growth, to have clear guidelines on tax issues related to the project.
Starting up a company, planning its subsequent development, growth and possible sale are milestones in the life of the entrepreneur that have consequences in the tax field, which are very different depending on the chosen business strategy. During the webinar, the main taxes, incentives and obligations that affect a start-up were discussed, in particular the incentives and structures that respond to the uniqueness of this economic reality.
From the tax point of view, a review was made of the different existing financing mechanisms (business angels, private equity, crowdfunding, etc.), the incentives for R&D&I, the internationalization and growth of companies (holding structure, international mobility, etc.) and the sale of the business.
The objective of this webinar was for the attendee to acquire knowledge about key tax issues in the evolution of a start-up. The session was led by Belén Fernández, Partner, and Andreu Bové, Tax Advisor at Bové Montero y Asociados.