On 13th September our colleague Gonzalo Gazulla, Tax Advisor and member of the Bové Montero Italian Desk, atended the “HLB SME Forum” that took place in Milan.
The theme of the 2019 HLB SME Forum was “Made in Italy going global” with the objective of creating more cross border opportunities, promoting and showcasing to existing and prospective clients the services and capabilities HLB can offer on a global level.
Clients attending the meeting have cross border operations and they benefited from meeting with HLB representatives from different countries.
The main topics included in the agenda were:
- Emerging technologies
- Overview of investing and doing business in and from Italy
- Sessions on Agriculture, Food & Beverage, real estate, transfer pricing and fashion
- Inbound / outbound investment Asia
Bové Montero is a Spanish accounting firm with more than 40 years of experience and counts with a solid Italian Desk that is highly specialised in cross-border operations. The Italian Desk team is integrated in all offices and departments and is specialised in advising Italian clients who are looking for an international expansión of their business in Spain.