On 15 December, Bové Montero y Asociados, in collaboration with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Barcelona (CCI), hosted a webinar entitled “Accounting and fiscal closing 2020: News, COVID-19 impact and possible effects of Brexit“. Our partner Gemma Piñero, our audit manager Daniel Masferrer and our tax advisor Sarah Mestre, all from our…

  Tax revenue loss on Corporate Income Tax returns AUTHOR: Susana Arroyo. Tax Manager at Bové Montero y Asociados   Corporate Income Tax (CIT) revenue for the current year shows a loss of around 2.3 billion euro, mainly due to refunds to be paid out to taxpayers. The substantial drop in the ability of CIT…

The key points of the new law on remote work in Spain   Spain’s Council of Ministers has given the green light to the first regulations on teleworking in Spain. In this article we sum up the main points of Royal Decree-law 28/2020, of 22 September, on remote working. First of all, the distinction should be…

Challenges and opportunities for investments in Spain We have all been surprised by the impact of the coronavirus on business in Spain. What can decision makers in companies do? What business opportunities arise from the current situation? And how can we shape the future of Austrian-Spanish companies? Bové Montero y Asociados organised a webinar together…

  RDL 19/2020: main commercial and tax changes   At Bové Montero y Asociados we summarise and analyse the main tax and commercial changes adopted in Royal Decree-law 19/2020, of 26 May 2020. These include changes to: Deadlines for preparing and approving annual accounts Filing annual accounts with the Commercial Register Deferring tax liabilities Filing…

What effect will the lockdown have on tax residency? Both the Spanish government and Tax Agency have failed to address this issue. Days spent under lockdown will not count towards tax residency in countries like Germany or France. AUTHOR: Andreu Bové, Tax Advisor Bové Montero y Asociados BOVÉ_CINCODÍAS_210520   The lockdown imposed by our governments…

Board of directors: personal income tax exemption on income earned abroad   AUTHOR: Francisco Javier Rodríguez. Tax Manager Bové Montero y Asociados   In light of the National High Court pronouncing in favour of the taxpayer, and while we await the Supreme Court’s judgment, it may be premature to rule out the possibility of directors…

Global mobility after COVID-19 On 8 May, Bové Montero y Asociados organised a webinar in collaboration with the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain. The global crisis caused by COVID-19 has affected all businesses to a greater or lesser extent, and one of the biggest impacts has been the restrictions on employee mobility. Last week,…

Now more than ever is a time for solidarity, and at Bové Montero y Asociados we have launched an initiative to help fight the effects of COVID-19 in Spain. Since the crisis began, we have been looking at ways of collaborating in different areas to give something back to society.   Our offices receive a weekly…

We highlight some of the latest tax measures introduced by the government, with effect from 23 April 2020:   1. Reduced 0% VAT rate for specific medical equipment. Zero-rate VAT will be applied to supplies of goods, imports, and intra-EU acquisitions of goods when the recipients are hospitals, clinics, public bodies, or private centres that…

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