On 18 April, the Spanish Accounting and Auditing Institute (ICAC) published on its website the resolution to the following consultations. These answers are based on the General Accounting Plan, approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007, and help to resolve any doubts that some financial departments may have regarding the new legislation.

Regarding the accounting treatment of the special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging, Act 7/2022, of 8 April, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, includes a series of measures designed to promote sustainable waste management. One of these is the creation of a tax aimed at encouraging the prevention of the generation of non-reusable plastic packaging waste, in order to promote a circular economy.

Article 67 of the aforementioned act establishes this tax as a tax of an indirect nature levied on the use of non-reusable packaging containing plastic whether it is empty, or whether it is presented containing, protecting, handling, distributing and presenting goods.

In accordance with the provisions of the Registration and Valuation Standard (RVS) 12 on VAT, “IGIC” and other indirect taxes, when the tax regulations do not allow the company acquiring the plastic to deduct the tax, this shall be accounted for at the time of its accrual and shall form part of the acquisition price of the good or service it generates. Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of RVS 10, the amount of indirect taxes levied on the acquisition of inventories shall only be included in the acquisition price or production cost when this amount is not recoverable directly from the Tax Authorities.

Regarding the formulation of the non-financial information report in the case of an agricultural cooperative company, Act 11/2018, of 28 December, establishes a series of obligations that apply to all commercial companies that comply with the criteria established in the Consolidated Text of the Companies Act. In addition, it also applies to those companies that meet the criteria set out in the Commercial Code and are parent companies in a group obliged to prepare consolidated annual accounts, even if they are not commercial companies as such.

However, other entities that wish to voluntarily submit non-financial information may do so, although they will not be subject to the obligations established in Act 11/2018 of 28 December. In this case, to avoid confusion for the recipients of the information, such a document should not be named “Non-financial Information Report”.

Regarding the accounting treatment of the compensation of expenses derived from remote work, the question arises as to whether these expenses should be accounted for as a salary expense in subgroup 64 or as an expense within group 62.

From an accounting standpoint and considering the nature of the expense, the Spanish Accounting and Auditing Institute (ICAC) decrees that the amounts borne by companies in relation to remote work should be classified as expenses in subgroup 62, “External services”, applying by analogy the accounting treatment applied to the travel expenses of company personnel, including transport and office expenses.

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