Bové Montero y Asociados strengthens its partner structure in the context of a ‘record growth’ and a horizon of €10M
The professional services firm Bové Montero y Asociados has strengthened its partner structure in the context of the “record growth” of its turnover which, according to its president, José Maria Bové, is largely motivated by the “dynamism” reflected in the international services during the first half of the current fiscal year and with the horizon of reaching €10 million in turnover by the end of the year as a “realistic estimate.”
Its materialization has taken place through the integration into the partner structure of Daniel Masferrer and Jorge Antonio Millán, and with the purpose of optimizing services to domestic and international clients and foreign investors in Spain in the areas of account auditing, consulting and implementation of internal control processes. The president of the firm states that “they both will provide a boost in terms of our growth in the peninsular market and with particular emphasis in the marketplaces of Barcelona and Seville.”
Masferrer: License to practice as an auditor in the United States
Masferrer is an Auditor of Accounts (“ROAC”) and Certified Public Accountant (CPA), an American qualification to work as an auditor in the United States. Until now, he has been acting as audit manager at the firm chaired by Bové from the Barcelona office. He has more than 20 years of experience in leading firms such as Gran Thornton and KPMG, and has extensive knowledge in finance, accounting, business integrations, IFRS, and operational audits, among other areas.
Millán: Public and private audits and expert in mergers and spin-offs
Millán is an Auditor of Accounts (“ROAC”) and a member of the Spanish Institute of Chartered Accountants (“ICJCE”). Until his current incorporation as a partner at Bové Montero y Asociados he had developed his professional career at BDO for more than 12 years in Seville. He is an expert in auditing and consulting services for both the public and private sectors, including consolidated group audits, limited reviews, due diligences, subsidy accounts, restructuring operations (mergers and spin-offs), financial reporting, valuations and expert reports.
The company closed its previous year with a record growth of 18% and a workforce of 111 professionals.