We are delighted to announce that our partner Jorge Francisco Castro has been selected as a “Lawyer of the year” for 2020 in the field of Real Estate Law, where he is placed among the top twenty lawyers. He is the second member of the team at Bové Montero y Asociados, together with Susana Arroyo, to be honoured by this publication.
“Best Lawyers” is present in over 70 countries and featuring in their ranking, is a true certificate of excellence, and a form of public recognition from fellow professionals in the same geographic zone and area of legal practice. Each year, there can only be one “Best Lawyer” in each region and specialisation.
Jorge Francisco Castro has been a managing partner at Bové Montero y Asociados in Seville since early 2018. Over a long professional career he has gained extensive experience as a lawyer and auditor, as well as holding the positions of treasurer with the Institute of Chartered Accountants and expert in Urbanism and Real Estate Development with the Institute of Business Practice.
We would like to take this opportunity to endorse this richly deserved accolade and express our most sincere congratulations.
Read the news in the press here:
“Jorge Francisco Castro, el derecho inmobiliario con acento de Sevilla”